Friday, January 17, 2014

15 week belly

How far along: 15 weeks
Gender: we don't know yet
Total weight gain: haven't been keeping track
Stretch marks: no
Belly button: in
Wedding rings on/off: on
Movement: too early
Feeling: I feel good!
Cravings: sour candy and fruit
Symptoms: TMI..... burning nipples! every once in a while
Missing: Coca Cola
Looking forward to: seeing my belly get bigger
Sleep: I sleep mainly on my stomach. I didn't think I would still be able to but I probably will until I can't anymore.
Exercise: I'm trying to add some activities to my schedule but it's hard because work makes me tired. I know... excuses!!
Eating: I could definitely improve my choices but for the most part it's healthy. I should eat more protein though.

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