Friday, January 31, 2014

17 week belly

How far along: 17 weeks
Gender: make you're bets :)
Total weight gain: not really keeping track
Stretch marks: no
Belly button: in
Wedding rings on/off: on
Movement: WE HAVE MOVEMENT! Pretty sure my little munchkin is having a great time in there.
Feeling: I've felt great. (Thank God!) Tired here and there but mainly from work still.
Cravings: nothing in particular
Symptoms: headaches once in a while and baby is starting to make its presence known :)
Missing: frozen raspberry margarita!!
Looking forward to: summer!!!
Sleep: okay.. the body pillow has helped me get comfortable at times and other times its left on the floor because it gets in my way haha
Exercise: none.... debating on still starting lol
Eating: pretty healthy but could eat better

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